Monday, April 5, 2010

Meg: 1, ED: 0

Hi everyone! Welcome to my blog.

If you haven't read my 'About Me' page, under the title of "The Winner", well I'll let just reiterate what I wrote in this post.

I've just recently admitted I have an eating disorder. I haven't been true to myself or the ones I love for the past few years and I've been terrible to the only body I'll ever have.

The first step in recovery is to admit you have a problem. No one else can tell you to make a change until you have decided for yourself to make a change, and it is only now that I have decided I am going to beat this ED down. I am going to win!

This blog is dedicated to keep me on track, and to be honest with myself each and every day.

I know that recovery won't be perfect, and that I'll have days where my ED will be really powerful, but I won't let him win. I'll be the the stronger opponent in this battle and I'll do what ever I'll have to do to get healthy.

I've been reading a lot of blogs lately, especially ones relating to those battling with eating disorders. I've found all of you bloggers to be so inspirational and motivating, and I know that I can be just as strong and determined as all of you!

Here is to being healthy and living life for all that is positive.

Today has been a good day, but tomorrow will be even better!


  1. It's so great to see you taking the first steps towards beating this thing for good, Meg. Super proud of you! You're absolutely right that being healthy and happy is worth the fight to beat ED, and I'm looking forward to seeing you do so :)

  2. So glad you decided to make a blog! Can't wait to follow it :)

  3. lovely blog miss Meg! I think the title is so appropriate (and I love the pun). You sound incredibly motivated and I have no doubt that you will be able to tackle any challenges your faced with and overcome this disease! I'm always here to lend my support and encouragement whenever necessary.

    Stay strong and keep fighting!
